our team

Jelle Behagel

Jelle Behagel is Associate Professor with the Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group (FNP) of Wageningen University, the Netherlands. His expertise is in the democratic governance of nature, and how forest discourses constitute forest politics. He moreover has studied and written extensively on political practices of forest and nature conservation across the global-local nexus. Building on this expertise, Jelle works today on exploring the fantasmatic role of forest and nature in the age of the Anthropocene.

Roald Nooijens

Roald Nooijens is currently doing a master double degree in Forest and Nature Policy focussing on biodiversity governance, and Urban Environmental Management focussing on urban nature. Further, he holds a BSc in ecology with a philosophy minor. He is especially interested in the human-nature relationship from a cultural, political, sensory and philosophical perspective. In his master thesis, Roald applies post-structural discourse analysis and Lacanian theory to explore political fantasies of nature in global biodiversity governance.

Eline Schothorst

Eline Schothorst is a teacher in Nature, landscapes and agro-ecology at Aeres MBO Dronten Warmonderhof. She holds a masters degree in Forest and Nature Policy and Sustainable Development Diplomacy. Her main interest lies with human-nature relationships in a spatial manner. How is nature defined, perceived and given space socio-politically? How does this public-political image of nature perpetuates through education and knowledge production?  In her work she tries to find ways to redefine our relationship with nature through education to meet the challenges of the Anthropocene.